Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Selena Gomez Gushes and Blushes After Shia LaBeouf Run-In (Video), Over 'Indiana Jones' Remarks

Who Says stars can't be just as nervous as their fans when it comes to conference their celebrity crushes. While backstage at a television cottage, Selena Gomez is tricked into meeting Shia LaBeouf, who is sharing a neighboring dressing scope, when an assistant tells Gomez that she's heading in to meet a fan.

"Oh my gosh," Gomez shrieks before giving a calm and naturally cool LaBeouf a slightly awkward hugh. "I admire you. Very nice to meet you.'"

Gomez then scurries back to her dressing room, withdrawn and fanning herself with her hand. "You guys suck. You used my fans as attraction," she jokes. "Oh my god, he's so handsome."

The blockbuster was a box office knock, grossing nearly $800 million worldwide, but it traditional mixed reviews from critics and fans. And following its release, LaBeouf admitted he was disappointed with the revival, insisting he had "dropped the ball" and let devotees down.

On being an asshole: “I would like to be George Clooney– diplomatic. I just don’t have the wherewithal yet or the inner serenity. My bullshit meter is tuned very sensitive. The minute it starts kicking up, I get back to truth, and sometimes that involves, you know, ‘I don’t want to take a picture.’ And if that’s the case, am I an asshole for being honest? Or am I an asshole for creature dishonest, smiling in your picture and I fucking hate being there? Which one is worse? These are the questions I ask myself that George Clooney doesn’t ask.


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