Monday, July 4, 2011

Reggie Bush Dating Kim Kardashian Look-Alike

It appears Reggie Bush has a type when it comes to women. The New Orleans Saint player is dating Melissa Molinaro who just happens to look remarkably like Reggie’s ex, Kim Kardashian.

I know that’s, like, such old news, but after seeing these photos you might question it. Lucky for you I’m here to correct your ass: the girl in the photos is Melissa Molinaro, a Kim Kardashian impersonator. D’you hear me? A Kim. Kardashian. Impersonator. As in she pretends to be Kim Kardashian and sometimes? She gets paid for it. Like this Old Navy shoot, where a woman (Molinaro) does a knock-off of Kim Kardashian at a slumber party:

Crazy, right? Here’s another photo of girlfriend just doing her thing, trying hard to NOT look like Kim Kardashian.

This nutty bitch even has the same style INITIALS as KK, just a few letters off.
In short? I don’t know who’s sadder – KK MM or Reggie Bush. I mean, girl’s gotta make a living somehow, and if posing as a Kardashian pays the bills, whatever. But dating the very same Kardashian’s ex-boyfriend? That’s … a little weird. And very sad for the ex-boyfriend in question. Here’s a side-by-side comparison if you aren’t yet convinced just how weird all of this really is.


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