Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Casey Anthony Verdict: Nancy Grace Reacts

News - Perhaps no one was more shocked that Florida mother Casey Anthony was found not guilty of murdering her 2-year-old daughter than Nancy Grace.

Narrating the denouement of 33-day trial, Grace said that she was more stunned by the outcome of the case than when O.J. Simpson was found not guilty of murdering his ex-wife and a friend in 1995. The body of Anthony's daughter, Caylee, was discovered in woods near her family's home in December 2008. Anthony's defense team alleged that Caylee had drowned.

Grace railed against the 25-year-old Anthony, whom she nicknamed "Tot Mom." "It's tough when you think about Caylee and you think about this evidence and you think about all those days that Tot Mom went about partying as if Caylee had never existed," she said.

As the jury continues to read evidence for a second day of deliberation in the Casey Anthony murder trial, media analysts, including Nancy Grace, are trying to read Anthony's lips. Accused of murdering her 2-year-old

This was actually reported weeks ago but I was hoping to get an interview with Nancy Grace so I could provide something truly fresh. Unfortunately, she has been so wrapped up in the Casey Anthony case, the CNN publicist hasn't been able to track her

As the jury continues to read evidence for a second day of deliberation in the Casey Anthony murder trial, media analysts, including Nancy Grace, are trying to read Anthony's lips. Accused of murdering her 2-year-old Caylee in 2008, Casey Anthony


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